TheEat Out to Help Out Schemeallows you to get 50% off your food and non-alcoholic drink when you eat in at participating stores every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday until the end of August. Just ask for the discount when you pay and you’ll get 50% off. Anyone can redeem it and...
UK Chancellor Rishi Sunak is hopeful his 'Eat Out to Help Out' scheme will kick-start the hospitality sector and help to restore public confidence. /AP "Eat Out to Help Out" is the UK government's latest scheme designed to kick-start the country's hospitality indu...
Eat Out Help Out Scheme Lunch on Monday at the George IV was a delightful experience, almost, but for the wasps that obviously also fancied our meals!!!The quality of the courses was excellent, though the portions were smallish for the price, and wouldn't satisfy those who...
What you need to know about the Eat Out to Help Out discount scheme from the government. A rundown of what to expect and your questions answered.
Here’s a complete list of who is still doing the Eat Out to Help Out scheme, until the end of September: - Hall and Woodhouse, who operate over 250 pubs across the south of England are keeping the EOTHO scheme running until the end of September. ...
More than half of adults surveyed in August 2020 had not taken advantage of the UK government's "Eat Out to Help Out" scheme, aimed at helping to induce the number of restaurant visitors following a period of lockdown. 还有个最直观的方法,就是看店铺橱窗上是否挂了Eat Out to Help Out的贴纸。 除了政府帮你出钱以外,当然还有双享的优惠在等着我们,有看到的朋友们都有福气啦!!
The 'Eat Out To Help Out Scheme' could make a comeback. Picture: PA Rishi Sunak’s 'Eat Out To Help Out' scheme could potentially make a comeback in 2021.By Capital FM @CapitalOfficial The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak, could potentially bring back the 'Eat Out To Help...
Eat Out to Help Out Scheme 的餐厅列表出来了,我的天,附近有100家餐厅都参与这个活动。乍一看平时常去的,墨西哥,中餐,韩餐都在列表里~ 舒服了!要注意活动是8.3-31的每个周一周二和周三可以享受半价,其余时间还是正常哦。并且并且,政府这个半价活动和店内的其他优惠活动可同时享受!!!
#谢菲尔德大学##EatOutToHelpOutScheme#满庭红(China Red)#中餐厅# 的#烤鱼# ,味道好赞!吃到烤鱼里面嫩嫩的笋,顿时感到无比满足!参加活动的还有Chatime奶茶,半价烤鱼半价奶茶,又是#放肆的一天# [鼓掌] ht...