此外,许多初创企业也纷纷效仿,将“Eat our own dog food”作为企业文化的一部分,以此推动产品创新与用户体验的提升。 'Eat Our Own Dog Food'的实践案例与效果 以微软为例,该公司长期以来坚持“Eat our own dog food”的理念,要求员工在日常工作中使用自家开发的软件。这种做...
eat (one's) own dog food 1. To use the product(s) one's company produces or develops as a means of demonstrating or validating its quality, capabilities, or superiority to other brands. Used primarily in reference to software industries, the phrase is thought to have originated with adverti...
the term started to become popular in software development whenPaul Maritz, a manager atMicrosoft, sent an email titled “Eating our own Dogfood” to another employee encouraging the internal use of their own products.Joe Gebbia, a cofounder ofAirbnb, gets to...
How many vicars don't swear? And how many IT security professionals practice what they preach? No, seriously, do you eat your own dog food? That's the question Davey Winder has been asking of infosec professionals in an attempt to determine just how secure security experts really are away...
Dad even tried to shame me, explaining that such a highly developed creature as a human being (especially his own daughter) simply could not eat other live creatures. On the one hand, I understood his position. On...
I'll give you something to eat me because I look at you like a dog to follow me, is so shameless, I hate you just for you, for your own dog food, our people will not eat, so you can rest assured that their own consumption ...
28Healthy Foods For Dogs To Eat At Home – How To Feed Your Dog Right If some of you want to feed your own dogs the natural and healthy foods, you should check out this complete list to find out the best healthy food for dogs. There are some easily, healthy obtainable choices straight...
And gross as it may be to us vomit still smells like food, at least to your dog. Their sense of smell is way better than our own (estimates vary on exactly how much better), so they don’t just look at a pile of puke and get grossed out — they smell food....
This is a great option to go for if your dog can handle it and if you are interested in the potential health benefits this spice can bring. Cooked human food with some cumin in it can also be beneficial and safe if your dog likes it. Of course, it is safe only if other ingredients...
"Eat your own dog food" is a colloquial expression that describes a company using its own products or services for its internal operations. The term is believed to have originated with Microsoft in the 1980s, although the terms true origins are debated. The gist is that if a dog food is ...