The EasySep™ Mouse Pan-B Cell Isolation Kit is designed to isolate all B cells, including conventional B-2 B cells, B-1 B cells and plasma cells from single-cell suspensions of splenocytes or other tissues by negative selection. Unwanted cells are targeted for removal with biotinylated ...
产品类型:B细胞分选 品牌:STEMCELL Technologies 货号:19844 规格:用于标记1 x 10e9 细胞 价格:8382 货号:19844RF 规格:用于标记1 x 10e9 细胞 价格:8800 产品介绍 技术参数 相关产品 产品介绍 EasySep™小鼠pan-B细胞分选试剂盒设计通过负选从脾细胞或其他组织的单细胞悬液中分选所有B细胞,包括常规B-2 B细胞...
产品类型:B细胞分选 品牌:STEMCELL Technologies 货号:19844 规格:用于标记1 x 10e9 细胞 价格:8382 货号:19844RF 规格:用于标记1 x 10e9 细胞 价格:8800 产品介绍 技术参数 相关产品 产品介绍 EasySep™小鼠pan-B细胞分选试剂盒设计通过负选从脾细胞或其他组织的单细胞悬液中分选所有B细胞,包括常规B-2 B细胞...
For isolation of B cells expressing CD11b or CD43, we recommend using the EasySep™ Mouse Pan-B Cell Isolation kit (Catalog #19844). This product replaces the EasySep™ Mouse B Cell Enrichment Kit (Catalog #19754) for even faster cell isolations. ...
规格:1 Kit Stemcell 19844 EasySep™ Mouse Pan-B Cell Isolation Kit Product Overview The EasySep™ Mouse Pan-B Cell Isolation Kit is designed to isolate all B cells, including conventional B-2 B cells, B-1 B cells and plasma cells from single-cell suspensions of splenocytes or other ...
19844 EasySep™ Mouse Pan-B Cell Isolation Kit 总览 EasySep™小鼠Pan-B细胞分离试剂盒旨在通过阴性选择从脾细胞或其他组织的单细胞悬液中分离出所有B细胞,包括常规B-2 B细胞,B-1 B细胞和浆细胞。靶向不需要的细胞用针对非pan-B细胞(CD4,CD8,CD11c,CD49b,CD90.2,Ly-6C / G(Gr-1),TER119)的生物素...
EasySep™小鼠T细胞分选试剂盒设计通过负选,从小鼠脾细胞或其它组织的单细胞悬液中分选 T细胞。非目标细胞(CD11b, CD19, CD24, CD45R/B220, CD49b, TER119标记)被生物素抗体和链霉亲和素包被的磁珠(RapidSpheres™)标记并去除。使用EasySep™磁极,无需分离柱即可去除经标记的细胞。目的细胞留在磁极中,目标...
CD56+ CD16+ NK Cell Isolation Kit, human/人CD56+ CD16+ NK细胞分离试剂盒 产品类型:NK细胞分选 规格:用于2×10^9 细胞分选 130-092-660 我要询价 添加 Miltenyi MACSprep Chimerism CD56 MicroBeads, human/人MACSprep嵌合体CD56微磁珠 产品类型:NK细胞分选 ...
项目名称:stemcell品牌EasySep mouse pan-B Cell Isolation Kit化学试剂项目采购结果公示 公示结束时间:2022-09-27 14:18:30 项目经办人:李伟静 成交金额:19572.00 项目预算:36000.00 采购方式:阳光采购平台公开询价 联系电话:53852855 成交供应商地址:北京市昌平区北清路北清创意园2-1-101 申请部门:生...
规格:1 Kit Stemcell 19854 EasySep™ Mouse B Cell Isolation Kit Product Overview The EasySep™ Mouse B Cell Isolation Kit is designed to isolate B cells from single-cell suspensions of splenocytes or other tissues by negative selection. Unwanted cells are targeted for removal with biotinylated...