EasyPure®RNA Purification Kit 极简RNA纯化试剂盒 目录号规格单价 ER701-0125 rxns430 产品详情介绍 本试剂盒利用硅胶膜离心柱特异地吸附RNA,纯化经DNase I处理的总RNA产物、体外转录产物、RNA标记产物、合成RNA等,能有效地去除蛋白质、有机化合物、无机盐离子等杂质,操作简便、快速。纯化的RNA适用于RT-PCR、qRT...
EasyPure® RNA Kit provides a simple and fast column based method to isolate total RNA from animal cells, animal tissues, bacteria and yeast. Cells and tissues are enzymatically lysed. DNA is digested with DNase I. RNA is bound to silica membrane. After washing, high quality RNA is eluted...
3 Li C, Zong Y, Jin S, et al. SWISS: multiplexed orthogonal genome editing in plants with a Cas9 nickase and engineered CRISPR RNA scaffolds[J]. Genome biology, 2020.(IF 18.35) 4 Jin S, Fei H, Zhu Z, et al. Rationally designed APOBEC3B cytosine base editors with improved specificity...
Product Details EasyPure®Viral DNA/RNA Kitutilizes a unique lysis buffer to lyse virus and release DNA / RNA. The released DNA / RNA is effectively purified after specifically binding to a silica-based spin column. It is suitable for isolating viral DNA/RNA from up to 200 μl of plasma...
产品信息 Thermo Scientific 植物 RNA纯化试剂盒:Product information Thermo Scientific plant RNA Purification Kit PureLink Plant RNA Reagent - Life Technologies:purelink植物RNA试剂-生命的技术 利用RNA吸附柱快速提取植物RNA的试剂盒及方法 Plant Hydrophobic Protein Extraction Kit (PE0220 :植物的疏水蛋白提取试剂盒...
EasyPure®Bacteria Genomic DNA Kit uses lysozyme and moderate lysis buffer to lyse cells. Proteinase K is used for protein digestion and RNase A used for RNA digestion. DNA is specifically bound to silica-based column in hypersaline condition, and DNA is eluted by low salt and high pH soluti...
本试剂盒利用硅胶膜离心柱特异地吸附RNA,纯化经DNase I处理的总RNA产物、体外转录产物、RNA标记产物、合成RNA等,能有效地去除蛋白质、有机化合物、无机盐离子等杂质,操作简便、快速。纯化的RNA适用于RT-PCR、qRT-PCR、芯片分析、Northern Blot、RNAi等实验。
EasyPure® RNA Purification Kit uses silica-based spin column for specific RNA binding. The kit can be used for RNA purification from DNase I-treated total RNA, in vitro transcription product, RNA-labelled product, synthetic RNA. This kit permits effective removal of proteins, organic chemicals,...
EasyPure EasyPure®PCR Purification Kit 5分钟DNA快速纯化试剂盒 目录号:EP101-01 单价:¥230 规格: 50 rxns 200 rxns 数量: - + 本试剂盒采用硅胶膜离心柱特异地吸附DNA,可用于PCR产物,酶切产物的纯化,可有效地去除蛋白质、有机化合物、无机盐离子及引物等杂质。具有操作简单,快速的特点(5分钟完成纯化反应...
EasyPure®Plant RNA Kit provides a simple and fast column based method to isolate RNA from plant tissue. Samples are lysed with detergent to inactivate RNase. DNA is digested with DNase I. RNA is bound to silica membrane. After washing, high quality RNA is eluted from the column. RNA is...