Where to start? Need help with your account or investments? Please email contact@getstake.com.Download our app, set up your account, get verified, and become a Stake investor in a matter of minutes! Yes, it’s just that easy. Address Unit 186, 188, 190 Level 1 Gate Avenue South Zone...
You can streamline workflows and centralize your data, reducing task duplications and the chaos of daily operations. Start your 15-day free trial +86 Your data will be stored in the US data center. I agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. or sign in using ...
I’m not suggesting that you judge a tenant solely on their ability to ask good questions, but it does help point me in the right direction as to the type of person they are. Are they orderly? Do they care about where they are going to live? Do they sound broken? In the ...
Where I am a lessee in an operating lease for a property and I also lease out the property. I understand that I have the option of accounting for it under IAS 40. However, a significant portion of my lease payments are contingent on revenue (3.5% of revenue generated). Do I still hav...
When to start depreciation?– If you don’t use an asset, but it’s available for use, it’s the right time. This article explains it all. How to capitalize borrowing costs? 3 biggest myths in accounting for PPE Can you capitalize it as PPE or not?
I’m not suggesting that you judge a tenant solely on their ability to ask good questions, but it does help point me in the right direction as to the type of person they are. Are they orderly? Do they care about where they are going to live? Do they sound broken? In the ...