Mix.install([{:easyhtml,"~> 0.3.0"}])doc=EasyHTML.parse!("<p>Hello, <em>world</em>!</p>")#=> ~HTML[<p>Hello, <em>world</em>!</p>]doc["em"]#=> ~HTML[<em>world</em>]to_string(doc)#=> "Hello, world!"importEasyHTML,only::sigilsdoc=~HTML[<ul><li>foo</li><li...
easy html5 - HTML5特性检测 HTML5是一些新的独立特性的集合,因此我们不能检测浏览器是否支持“HTML5”,但是我们可以分别检测浏览器是否支持诸如“画布(canvas)”、“视频(video)”、“地理位置(geolocation)”等特性 简介 做web前段开发人员已经习惯了处理多浏览器兼容(如IE、firefox、chrome)、多浏览器版本兼容(Ie...
简介 工具栏是在移动网站和应用中的头部,尾部或者内容中的工具条;Jquery Mobile提供了一套标准的工具和导航栏的工具,可以在绝大多数情况下直接使用;头部一般做网站或应用的标题,功能导航等,一般都是些文字或者按钮;尾部是一个页面的最下端,内容可以根据具体应用需要来排版,也可以放功能导航、各种链接等;内容中使用一般...
There are three things that are needed in order to convert a video; the first is you drag the video you want to convert to EasyHTML5 Video Converter; step two you adjust the settings, set the post image and select codecs that you want to use and the third step is that you press ...
[ description: "EasyHTML makes working with HTML easy.", licenses: ["Apache-2.0"], links: %{ "GitHub" => "https://github.com/wojtekmach/easyhtml" } ] ] end def application do [ extra_applications: [:logger] ] end defp deps do [ {:floki, "~> 0.35"}, {:ex_doc, ">= 0.0...
Easy html/js button embedding problem Gaptooth Columns Explorer , Dec 23, 2018 Copy link to clipboard All, sorry if this is a stupid question--I'd have thought it VERY easy to answer, maybe so much that no one's bother to tackle it. Background: new to Animate CC but an old Flash...
Forms are a necessary evil in web development. We may not want to deal with them, but sometimes we have to. Netlify makes this easy with built-in form handling.
Easy HTML Code Optimization Toolhtml code cleaner
Easy to make the HTML file!安装教程InstallSee the documents. 详见Markdown文档。Star 0 Fork 0 捐赠 0 人次 简介 简单制作HTML网页! 暂无标签 Python Apache-2.0 发行版 暂无发行版 贡献者 (2) 全部 近期动态 接近4年前转移了仓库到 Fangcatchina1/Easy-HTML 接近4年前退出了仓库 接近4年...