arduinoesp8266touchesp32buttonplatformioswitchtriggerarduino-librarydebounceesp8266-arduinopushbuttontactiledebounce-buttoneasybuttonesp32-arduinotouch-buttontactile-switchesdebounce-buttonsdetect-presses UpdatedJun 6, 2024 C++ liqvip/EasyView Star51 🔥🔥🔥一个小巧美观,支持圆角,描边,阴影的 Android 控件库,极...
Lightweight Arduino library for handling push buttons just connected between ground and INT0 and / or INT1 or any other PCINT pin. Available as Arduino library "EasyButtonAtInt01". If you find this library useful, please give it a star. 🌎 Google Translate Features No external pullup, no...
EasyButtonis an small Arduino library for debouncing momentary contact switches like tactile buttons. It uses events and callbacks to trigger actions when a button is pressed once or held for a given duration. It also provides a sequence counter to be able to rise an event when a given pattern...