颤动 1692 vinegar 1693 violent 1694 visible 1695 volcano 1696 voltage 1697 wedding 1698 welfare 1699 whether 1700 wealthy 1701 whisper 1702 whistle 1703 whoever 1704 willing 1705 witness 1706 woollen 1707 workman 1708 worship 1709 tolerate 1710 tortoise 1711 transfer 1712 transmit 1713 tropical 1714 ...
寓言(fable) 画蛇添足·战国策 画蛇添足 [西汉 刘向] The Man Who Draws a Snake and Adds Feet to It By Liu Xiang A native of Chu after worshipping his ancestors gave his 人卮酒。舍人相谓曰: retainers a pot of wine. One of the retainers said, “It‟s insufficient for “数人饮之不...