If you don’t have the cash on hand, you shouldn’t be going into to debt to buy things. Resisting the temptation to borrow is the biggest money saver of them all! Go back to the old way of working and saving for something you need instead of charging something and then frantically w...
Love To Cook It’s shockingly cheap to bake your own bread and fun! One of the easiest ways to save money on travel is to start cooking all your meals. That means breakfast, packed lunch, and dinner. Do not pick up a coffee and bagel on your way to work because that cost can quic...
Buying coffee on your way to work: I’m extremely guilty of this one. I tend to just spend money on coffee on my way to work several times a week. I’ve recently started cutting back on this and instead buyinggreat micro-roasted coffeetomake at home instead, and it saves a ton of ...
Making this switch is one of the simplest ways to save money (and stop flushing money down the toilet). Average savings is $110 per year or more than $2,200 over the lifetime of the toilet.3Your local utility company may even offer a rebate to lower the cost of the purchase. Look ...
Diesel is no longer a guaranteed way to save money. For starters, diesel cars cost more than petrol cars –on a hatchback, for example, the premium can be 10 percent or more. Diesel will cost you more at the pumps, and while these engines often provide better fuel economy, efficient pet...
re not around. You can find great options in the center of Yerevan for $40 USD or less. This will give you access to an entire apartment with a kitchen, which is a great way to save money as well. You may even be able to negotiate the price if you’re staying for longer periods...
Watch this webinar on easy ways to save money, including how to save $1,000 or more and ideas to use it to help fuel your financial goals.
Here are just a few smart and easy ways to save money andreduce your overall bills. Many of them require only a small bit of work and introspection as you consider whether you need that gym membership (but don’t skip on being healthy!) or that low deductible, but they are all easy....
Originally Posted On:https://thesavingsjournal.com/save-money/easy-ways-to-save-money/ If you need extra money, one of the quickest ways to doing it is by saving on your monthly expenses. The majority of people end up overpaying by thousands of dollars each year when they could be keepi...
Cheri Roberts