Easy Villagers Mod 1.20.5 – 1.19.4. Easy Villagers is a neatly developed open source mod for Minecraft which allows you to pick and store villagers as Items. The idea of using this mod is to save space, computer resources to avoid lag and FPS drops. At the same time this allows you ...
视频所用版本: Minecraft 1.20.1 Forge 47.3.5 Easy Villagers 1.1.15 模组链接: MC百科 https://www.mcmod.cn/class/3884.html curseforge https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/easy-villagers modrinth https://modrinth.com/mod/easy-villagers 展开更多...
This is a Big Modpack for the Create Mod. With Tons of Worlds and Armor/ores to get. The Fun of a Crazy Modpack
【Minecraft】村民也可以拿起武器反击了!给村民添加了更多特性!我的世界模组介绍第一期”村民警卫” 叫我小桂子 00:30 别踢,有模组冲突 航航C1 30.5万54 01:36 菜鸡解说全网同名 06:20 Minecraft1.16.5模组介绍-简单村民(EasyVillagers)_1.0.13 不耻最后的最后 06:34...