To enhance\nthe spatial resolution and accuracy of satellite-based precipitation\nproducts, an easy-to-use downscaling-calibration method based on a spatial\nrandom forest (SRF-DC) is proposed in this study, where the spatial\nautocorrelation of precipitation measurements between neighboring locations\...
A comparative study of logistic model tree, random forest, and classification and regression tree models for spatial prediction of landslide susceptibility 2017, Catena Show abstract Spatial prediction of flood susceptible areas using rule based decision tree (DT) and a novel ensemble bivariate and mult...
same numbers of neurons in each layer Pooling layers reduce the spatial resolution of the image A CNN can be trained for unsupervised learning tasks, whereas an ordinary neural net cannot (3) [3 pts] Neural networks optimize a convex cost function can be used for regression as well as ...
DBSCAN 全称为“Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise”,属于密度聚类。此类算法假设聚类结构能通过样本分布的紧 密程度确定。 定义以下几个概念: ϵ-邻域:对xj ∈ D其ϵ邻域包含样本集D中与xj的距离不大于ϵ的样本,即Nϵ(xj) = {xi ∈ D∣dist(xi, xj) ⩽ ϵ}...