For the Python Jupyter notebook source code and dataset, check out my github repo. For an updated word-level English model, check out my other blog: Simple Stock Sentiment Analysis with news data in Keras. Tags: Sentiment analysis Current rating: 3.2 1 2 3 4 5 Share on Twitter Share ...
为了实现更极致的模型部署性能,安装FastTokenizers后只需在AutoTokenizer API上打开 use_fast=True选项,即可调用C++实现的高性能分词算子,轻松获得超Python百余倍的文本处理加速,更多使用说明可参考FastTokenizer文档。 ⚡️ FastGeneration:高性能生成加速库 model = GPTLMHeadModel.from_pretrained('gpt-cpm-large-...
情感分析 (Sentiment Analysis) 模型简介 SKEP SKEP是百度提出的基于情感知识增强的预训练算法,利用无监督挖掘的海量情感知识构建预训练目标,让模型更好理解情感语义,可为各类情感分析任务提供统一且强大的情感语义表示。 阅读理解 (Machine Reading Comprehension) 任务简介 SQuAD 提供预训练模型在SQuAD 2.0数据集上微调的...
情感分析 (Sentiment Analysis) 模型简介 SKEP🌟 SKEP是百度提出的基于情感知识增强的预训练算法,利用无监督挖掘的海量情感知识构建预训练目标,让模型更好理解情感语义,可为各类情感分析任务提供统一且强大的情感语义表示。 阅读理解 (Machine Reading Comprehension) 任务简介 SQuAD 提供预训练模型在SQuAD 2.0数据集上微...
You can see it uses the python:3.10 # Docker image, installs the application dependencies, and then runs # the smoke tests with the Reddit sentiment analysis CLI. It was # added with a simple copy and paste and minor syntax changes. smoke: image: python:3.10 stage: test before_script: ...
It provides seamless integration with other popular platforms like Python, Excel, Google Sheets, and more. Hence, this powerful text analysis tool is ideal for businesses that want to automate their processes as well as get in-depth insights from texts. ...
Sentiment Analysis The Sentiment Analysis function classifies documents as positive, negative or neutral (lack of sentiment) depending on whether they express a positive, negative or neutral opinion. Twitter Sentiment Analysis The Twitter Sentiment Analysis function allows you to perform Sentiment Analysis ...
Easy-to-use and powerful NLP library with Awesome model zoo, supporting wide-range of NLP tasks from research to industrial applications (Neural Search/QA/IE/Sentiment Analysis) 暂无标签 Python 等6 种语言 Apache-2.0 Code of conduct 发行版 (1) 全部 ...
In addition to the chatbot application, GPT4All also has bindings for Python, Node, and a command-line interface (CLI). There’s also aserver modethat lets you interact with the local LLM through an HTTP API structured very much like OpenAI’s. The goal is to let you swap in a local...
为了实现更极致的模型部署性能,安装FastTokenizers后只需在AutoTokenizerAPI上打开use_fast=True选项,即可调用C++实现的高性能分词算子,轻松获得超Python百余倍的文本处理加速,更多使用说明可参考FastTokenizer文档。 ⚡️ FastGeneration:高性能生成加速库