Since Spring and flowers are the season of growth, it would probably be a good time for me to express my love for sensory play activities, like this easy flower soup sensory bin, and how they help us grow! Sensory activities are the perfect way to bring the nature of spring indoors duri...
(8)This colorfulCardboard Tube Parrotmakes us think of sunny days and is an easy way for kids to practice their scissor skills. (via Kids Craft Room) Insects (1)These colorfulLove Bugsare a great open-ended toilet paper roll craft can even hold some Valentine’s Day treats. (via Kitchen...
This fun project requires scissor skills, so it might be best for older preschoolers. Simply give the kids pages from a magazine and toddler-friendly scissors, and get them to cut out various body parts to make a Picasso-style collage. They can make a face or a full body, and trust me...
Tissue Paper Earth Day Preschool Craft Learning BenefitsThis is an easy Earth Day craft that kids can do mostly on their own and makes them feel proud of their creations. It’s an excellent opportunity to work on fine motor skills by using scissors. Math plays a role too in the ...
Fine motor skills are also developed while creating this owl. Your child will practicescissor skillsas well as drawing and folding! How to Make Pinecone Owls Gather up the list of craft supplies below. You may want to print out the pinecone owl craft instructions as a reference guide as you...
How To Make Paper Plate Frog Craft Start by cutting the paper plate in half. Trace the half paper plate out of the green paper and cut it out. Glue the green paper to one side of the paper plate * Note that if scissor skills are a challenge, or if your older kids would like to ...
We have a yet another wonderful Easter craft for preschool and kindergarten to share with you – a fun Easter egg paper weaving craft (with template) that gives a great fine motor skills workout. So fun and so colorful! *this post contains affiliate links* We love crafts that give someth...
Thiscute Christmas tree craftis a great paper Christmas craft for kids in kindergarten to grade 4 or 5. A fun holiday activity, this is one of thoseprintable Christmas craftsthat really works on fine motor skills and scissor skills!
Kids will practice handwriting, letter recognition, and scissor skills while staying focused and entertained. They’ll trace uppercase and lowercase ‘Pp’s, navigate a penguin maze, and label a penguin.Try this Handprint Walrus CraftThese activities are perfect for preschool, pre-k, or ...
Jellyfish Drawing J is For Jellyfish Craft Koala Crafts No need to go all the way down under for these cuties. These simple paper koala crafts are great at improving scissor skills and easy projects can be made right at home with a few pieces of paper, scissors, and a fabulous attitude...