Once quilted, the blocks have to be assembled in a complicated way that involves adding sashing strips to the front and the back. It seems like a lot of extra work and in the end wouldn’t save you a ton of time so I’ve chosen to not go into that subject. Instead, I’ve ...
Then I turned my jelly roll strips into a jelly roll quilt top. I cut large squares on the diagonal and serged them together in opposing directions, with sashing strips in between, to get this result. Truly the simplest way to make a quilt top and I was able to use almost the whole ...
If you like Hugs and Kisses quilts with letters that are more defined take a look at anX's and O's baby quilt made with sashing. Two sizes are included, a larger version that could even be used as a lap quilt, and a small baby quilt that's suitable for a newborn. Beginning Quilt...
Attach each of these strips to the sides of the quilt, right sides together. Trim away excess and save to use on the top and bottom sashing strips. From the above step, you should have about 6” of additional sashing from each of the sides. ...
Join your rows together with the sashing in between, until you have a big piece 4 blocks by 3 blocks. Decide on the width of your outer border. I used a black jelly roll again and left the strips at full width. This quilt would look great with another border added again around the ...
Thedouble four patchis suitable for all quilters, even if it's your first project. Also, you can easily transform the quilt patch to give it extra dimension by adding sashing within each patch. It's a fun one to experiment with and you could use the pattern to sew many quilts without...
Join your rows together with the sashing in between, until you have a big piece 4 blocks by 3 blocks. Decide on the width of your outer border. I used a black jelly roll again and left the strips at full width. This quilt would look great with another border added again around the ...