aio.proxy-config.acceptMaxWaiter=10 aio.proxy-config.workerThreads=5 客户端配置 # 服务端连接主机名 # 服务端连接端口 easy-proxy.server.port=10086 # 连接秘钥 easy-proxy.server.authKey=test-key # 是否开启http代理 easy-proxy.httpProxy.enabled=true # http代理绑定...
此时访问proxy 9000会将流量转发给EasyProxyServer,EasyProxyServer再将流量转发给EasyProxyClient,EasyProxyClient接收到后,会找到与9000配对的端口(也就是本地tomcat的8080)将流量进行发送 tomcat接收到请求后(此时就可以debug等操作),将response返回给EasyProxyClient与tomcat建立连接的随机端口号client proxy,client proxy...
go get 编译 go build cmd/proxy_server.go go build cmd/proxy_client.go web管理模式 介绍 可在网页上配置和管理各个tcp、udp隧道、内网站点代理等等,功能极为强大,操作也非常方便。 提示:使用web模式时,服务端执行文件必须在项目根目录,否则无法正确加载配置文件 ...
go build cmd/server/proxy_server.go go build cmd/client/proxy_client.go web管理模式 介绍 可在网页上配置和管理各个tcp、udp隧道、内网站点代理等等,功能极为强大,操作也非常方便。 服务端配置文件 /conf/app.conf 名称含义 httpportweb管理端口
Add an appropriate entry, or uncomment out the appropriate line ie: Allow Now we need to reboot the server. shutdown -r now Now set up the proxy server and set the proxy up on the clients and off you go, easy and quick!
Cisco IOS Releases: Multiple releases (see the Feature History table) 12 Easy VPN Server Information About Easy VPN Server Banner Auto-Update Browser Proxy An Easy VPN server can be configured to push the banner to the Easy VPN remote device. A banner is needed for the web-based activation ...
Easy Proxy VPN secures your device’s connection while you’re connected to public wifi hotspots, cellular data networks, and other public locations. It works just like a free proxy but it’s even more secure. Your password and your personal data is secured and you are protected from hacker...
有简单的监控,便于查看后端server的代理情况及客户端的连接情况 有简单的配置文件,便于修改 ...后续再加... 实现 github:EasyProxy 欢迎交流~ 总结 在这个工程第一版结束后,较为深入的学习了slice,map,channel,struct,interface等结构,还玩了下golang的协程,反射,多态等特性,顺带掌握了下其工程化应当注意的包循...
•Easy VPN Virtual Interface Support on a Server •Banner, Auto-Update, and Browser-Proxy •Configuration Management Enhancements •Per User AAA Policy Download with PKI •Syslog Message Enhancements •Network Admission Control Support for Easy VPN ...
If you’re having trouble connecting to the Internet, it’s possible that it has been set to use a proxy server. Make sure that your browser is set to an auto-detect proxy or to no proxy. No Internet when connected to VPN The most common reasons why the Internet is not working when...