Ireland became so dependent on “Potato the during failed crop the when starved people Irish of thousands that it Famine” of 1845-6, and thousands more were forced to emigrate to America. There are many other foods that have traveled from South America to the Old World. But so...
ThepotatoisalsofromtheNew World.Around1600,theSpanishbroughtitfromPerutoEurope,whereitsoonwaswidelygrown.Irelandbecames odependentonitthatthousandsofIrishpeoplestarvedwhenthecropfailedduringthe“PotatoFamine”of1845-6,an dthousandsmorewereforcedtoemigratetoAmerica. TherearemanyotherfoodsthathavetraveledfromSouth...
These are the kind of workers that countries like Britain, Canada and Australia try to attract by using immigration rules that privilege college graduates. Lots of studies have found that well-educated people from developing countries are particularly likely to emigrate. By some estimates, two-...
A) transfer B) commute C) migrate D) emigrate 11。 When asked why he had played truant, Little Frank ___ a good excuse. A) came up with B) caught up with C) put up with D) kept up with 12。 I have to wait for a month to get my license, ___? A) don’t I B) didn’...
Workers from developing countries remitted a total of $325 billion in 2010, according to the World Bank. In Lebanon, Lesotho, Nepal, Tajikistan and a few other places, remittances are 欧阳治创编 2021.03.10 创编 2021.03.10 欧阳治 欧阳治创编 2021.03.10 创编 2021.03.10 欧阳治 more than 20% ...