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MediCapture is an industry leader in medical imaging systems. Discover our cutting-edge technology and advanced equipment for accurate medical imaging.
Easyfor Medical Device来自意大利,由拥有超过30年口腔种植临床经验的意大利知名颌面外科及种植专家Bruno fernengo教授于2010年建立。公司专门从事种植牙技术研发和生产,能够满足专业人士、实验室和患者的所有需求。公司的目标是为牙医提供完整的服务,从产品到咨询再到手术台,从教学到临床辅导。 Easyfor Medical Device,这个...
Handheld portable infrared vein finder is a kind of medical equipment which forms the subcutaneous vein image in situ for contactless. UN-410A is a portable vein finding device, also called Near-infrared vein finder are devices used to try to increase the ability of healthcare ...
Shenyang AoLai Medical Devices Technology Co., Ltd. was established in 2015. Mainly engaged in import and export business of famous brand prosthetic orthosis products, semi-finished products, materials, spare parts, professional equipment, testing instru
Turn your mobile phone into a medical device The Medipix mobile app allows you to securely collect medical images from any of your mobile phones. Automatically syncs the images with the associated patient file via a QR-code Our security-first approach ensures that images are never saved on your...
Winter Innovations is a medical device company with a mission to develop simple tools for overlooked areas in surgery. The company is focused on commercialization of its patented two-part needle technology and innovative methods of suturing.
This web page describes Steven Ross, MD and Easy Street Smart. Dr. Steven Ross' work includes pediatric radiology in El Paso, TX, online automated structured radiology reports, and medical device design. Medical devices include optical imaging guidance
A diagnostic spirometer is a medical device that is used to measure lung function. It can be a portable or stationary spirometry device that is operated by a medical professional who is specially trained in proper testing procedures and techniques to produce a more consistent and reliable result....
Easy Medibot is a healthcare company that develops medical surgical robots. It offers surgical assist the robot uterine lifter for the hospital. It serves the healthcare industry. Easy Medibot is based in Seoul, South Korea. Headquarters Location Seoul, South Korea Suggest an edit You're one cl...