Homemade Itch Stick: Natural Bug Bite Stick Made with Essential Oils Homemade Essential Oil Mosquito Repellent Spray
Make your own bug repellent with just a few simple ingredients. Homemade essential oil bug spray is perfect for summer fun and works to get rid of mosquitoes, gnats, flies, and ticks. Keep the bugs away while you enjoy your time outside!
UPDATE 6/2/2015 — Many people have asked if they could make a Homemade Tick Spray out of Rose Geranium. Yes, you can! Click the play button below for my how-to video: You can also CLICK HERE to take you to the Tick Spray blog post. Pin this natural tick repellent with Rose Gera...
Erica said:“I currently live in Thailand, where mosquitoes are everywhere year-round. So far the best mosquito repellent I’ve found is eucalyptus oil. A mosquito found its way into our room one night and was buzzing around waiting for us to fall asleep, so I filled a little spray bottl...