Use this easy DIY clay recipe to learn how to make air dry clay for kid's crafts. Household ingredients are all you need- no cooking or baking required!
4 Best DIY paper mache clay recipes for home decor & kids crafts! Easy to make with pulp, flour paste, or glue, some without joint compound.
Mix first 4 ingredients together. Add powdered sugar. Knead it. Divide and add food coloring. Keep the homemade play dough refrigerated to keep from spoiling when not in use. You can replace vanilla with flavored extracts to give flavor other than just plain sweetness. Easy Homemade Pudding P...
Anyway, you can make this easy homemade deodorant recipe from basically any natural, aluminum free deodorant like the ones I used or with a melt and pour deodorant base from a soapmaking supplier. (I was able to find a good baking soda free melt and pour deodorant base with shea and coc...
【Songling's Kitchen】Clay Pot Rice (煲仔飯) w/Sausage and Bok Choy 93 6 4:37 App 【Songling's Kitchen】Okra Tamagoyaki/ Dashimaki Tamago 520 2 3:26 App 【Songling's Kitchen】Croque Monsieur & Croque Madame 149 -- 3:28 App 【Songling's Kitchen】Cream of Mushroom Soup with Wild...
So, when Kate’s preschool class sent around a recipe for homemade molding clay, my first thought was: "Homemade Play Dough? Isn'tPlayDohcheap? Can't I buy that anywhere and therefore, not have to make it myself?" PlayDoh and other brands of molding clay is easy to find and it’...
In addition, you can also make thismoisturizing face toner recipefor your spa day at home. Acne Mask Acne is something we’ve all dealt with at one point or another. Sadly, for many of us, the breakouts didn’t stop at adulthood as we were led to believe. (At 46 I STILL struggle ...
These recipes are healthy, nourishing and, most importantly, contain no risky ingredients, which sometimes are even unknown to you.Homemade facialsdon’t require much time or efforts, many ingredients or difficult formulas. They are very simple, yet very effective. Let’s have a look at the ...
Store bought deodorants that are truly non-toxic typically lose their effectiveness after a few hours. This homemade deodorant recipe really works!
A hydrating face mask with blue clay is easy to make. Only 5 minutes prep is needed to make a DIY face mask, and this simple all-natural beauty recipe is cleansing, hydrating, exfoliating and rejuvenating. Suitable for all skin types, from sensitive to acne-prone, this homemade clay mask...