PERIOD!If you don’t have the cash on hand, you shouldn’t be going into to debt to buy things. Resisting the temptation to borrow is the biggest money saver of them all! Go back to the old way of working and saving for something you need instead of charging something and then franti...
One family shopped at a local chain grocery store, another at a Natural Foods store and a third atCostco. I shopped primarily atAldisupplemented with a few items from my home pantry. HOW TO SAVE MONEY ON GROCERIES AND STILL EAT HEALTHY When I’m shopping,I spend a few seconds on every...
Know how to save at your favorite store (Costco,Whole Foods,Trader Joe’s,Dollar Store,Aldi,Sprouts). Instead of buying an ingredient, substitute what you already have (use these substitutionsto start with). Compare in-store prices to online (AmazonorThrive Market). Aim for $1 per pound f...
News Report Two (3)A white shape named Prickles that ran away from an Australian farm during the 2013 bush fires recently returned home.According to farmer Alice Gray,Prickles was only a lamb when she ran away.The bush fires that hit the area back then destroyed a large part of her ...
Maintain Your Appliances Dust can build up in vents on refrigerators and dryers. Not only does this mean those appliances will need more energy to run, but the dust build-up is a potential fire hazard. Regularly checking your appliances can keep your home safe and your bills low. ...
One family shopped at a local chain grocery store, another at a Natural Foods store and a third atCostco. I shopped primarily atAldisupplemented with a few items from my home pantry. HOW TO SAVE MONEY ON GROCERIES AND STILL EAT HEALTHY ...