【法语】【Easy French】(英法字幕) 生存法语/Survival Phrases in French 3621 4 08:11 App 【法语】【Easy French】(英法字幕)你的职业是什么?/What's your occupation 5909 3 05:06 App 【法语】【Easy French】(英法字幕) Useful expressions for foreigners in France 1448 0 06:21 App 【法语...
Learn French at EasyFrench - high quality French courses in small groups, excellent customer services in Montpellier, France: Best quality at best price!
Notre Dame de Paris 1999 with English, French and Russian subs. Срусскимисубтитрами 384 人观看 3:02 What The Fuck France - Les Fêtes de Fin d'Année 203 人观看 3:16 What The Fuck France - La Langue Française ...
More about Plapperly A glimpse at our languages French French translations open the door to one of Germany’s main trading and economic partners: France. French is also the official language of many countries within the European Union. Spanish Bienvenido! Spanish translations are highly sought-af...
And finally you can ask any ticket window staff at Paris Metro / RER stations to check the balance on the Easy card. In French this would be: “Combien des tickets T reste sur cette carte?” Fare Restrictions Certain fare combinationscannot(or should not) be loaded at the same time: ...
You can watch Free Video French Lessons on ourYouTubeChannel or on ourBlog. Watch the same video several times. That’s the key! Watch French movies and videos in its original language so that you immerse yourself in the French language and culture. Learn the French sense of humor!
Kevyn Townley
Fun facts about the French culture The First Screening of a Film The brothers Auguste and Louis Lumière from France invented the"cinématographe"; In 1895, atSalon Indien du Grand Café, they have shown ten video clips to the public.
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Mad About Macarons is the healthy French food blog in Paris with lighter, easy recipes low in sugar and with local food guides in France.