You’ll need to get either afreight broker bond(BMC-84) or establish a trust fund (BMC-85) for $75,000 and post it with the FMCSA to get your freight broker license. This sum protects shippers and carriers against unlawful practices by licensed brokers. If something goes wrong and you’...
We have many bonds to choose from: auto dealer, brokers, contractor license, license and permit, customs, freight broker & insurance broker bonds. License Bonds Browse our wide selection of license and permit bonds, whether you’re an auto dealer, contractor or mortgage broker. ...
Import duties 进口关 European commission:欧盟委员会 Inventory 存货、库存 Broker 经纪人 区域经济一体化:regional economi overnment or a firm with promise t 税: Tariffs levied on goods entering a The parent MNE:多国公司母公司 Logistics 物流 Transshipment 转运 c integration 亚太经合组织:Asia-Pa o ...
I. C. U. International Code Used 国际使用 的电码 IDB industrial development bond 工业发展债 券 IDB Inter-American Development Bank 泛美开 发银行 IDB inter-dealer broker 交易商之间经纪人 IDC intangible development cost 无形开发成 本 IDR international depositary receipt 国际寄存 单据 IE indirect ...
Group-IB, an international company that specializes in preventing cyber attacks, and a Swiss insurance broker ASPIS SA that owns CryptoIns project, have developed the world’s first scoring model for assessing cryptocurrency exchanges cybersecurity, allowing the exchanges’ clients to insure their .....
损益平衡点 556 break-up value 拆卖价值 557 bribes and kickbacks 贿赂和回扣 558 bridging loan 过渡性贷款 560 broker 经纪人 561 brokerage 经纪人佣金 564 budget 预算 565 budgetary control 预算控制 566 budget decision 预算决策 567 bugeting 预算编制 568 budget management 预算管理 569 budget variance...
I. C. U. International Code Used 国际使用 的电码 IDB industrial development bond 工业发展债 券 IDB Inter-American Development Bank 泛美开 发银行 IDB inter-dealer broker 交易商之间经纪人 IDC intangible development cost 无形开发成 本 IDR international depositary receipt 国际寄存 单据 IE indirect ...
I. C. U. International Code Used 国际使用 的电码 IDB industrial development bond 工业发展债 券 IDB Inter-American Development Bank 泛美开 发银行 IDB inter-dealer broker 交易商之间经纪人 IDC intangible development cost 无形开发成 本 IDR international depositary receipt 国际寄存 单据 IE indirect ...
All imports must be accompanied by a bond in order to ensure the payment of any duties, taxes, or fees relating to import. A bond can be purchased through a US based surety company or your selected Customs Broker There are 2 types of customs bond: ...
apparent agency 律师代理 agency by lawyer 普通代理 general agency 全权代理 general agency 全权代理委托书 general power of attorney 共同代理 joint agency 独家代理 sole agency 居间 brokerage 居间人 broker 行纪 commission; broker house 信托 trust 时效 time limit; prescription; limitation 时效中止 suspens...