Doyoudoodle(信手涂鸦)whenyoufeelbored?Doyouthinkaboutthemeaningofyourdoodles?Allthosedoodlesyoudrawactuallyshowsomethingaboutyou.∴Youare a personwhofeels a lotandcarestoomuchaboutwhatotherssayaboutyou.Youoftenputon a strongfrontandnevershowyourweakside.Whensomethingupsetsyou,youcantalkaboutitwithyourfriends...
The next time you draw a blank—literally—don't let it set you back. Come back to this list of things to draw (don't forget to bookmark it!), let something inspire you, and take it from there. We're just here to give you a little push. The genius that results is all you. ...
Move around while reading.MaxKinesthetic Learner Join in other activities when studying, such as tapping your feet or create some doodles whilereading or writing. Always bring a pen and a notebook at school and write down as much information as possible in yourclass.AnnTactile Learner When ...
Move around while reading.MaxKinesthetic Learner Join in other activities when studying, such as tapping your feet or create some doodles whilereading or writing. Always bring a pen and a notebook at school and write down as much information as possible in yourclass.AnnTactile Learner When ...