Nivo is a popular data visualization library built from the ground up for use with ReactJS. While it is great from a performance perspective, the biggest selling point for Nivo, in my opinion, is the developer experience. Nivo includes a bunch of useful utilities and features that will save...
based on data from the US Census Bureau'sAmerican Community Survey. The choroplethr package also includes an interface to ACS data, so if you know the data code you're looking for, you can create a choropleth of your favourite US demographic statistic with just a single line of code, like...
The grammar of graphics (Wilkinson, 2012), largely due to its implementation in theggplot2package (Wickham, 2016), has become the dominant approach to visualization in R. Building a model visualization withggplot2is somewhat disconnected from the model fitting and evaluation process. Generally, this...
Data Visualization,R Interactive Plot 15 Lessons 45 mins Free 696748777753604749 547 Shares ThehighcharterR package is a wrapper for theHighcharts javascriptlibrary including shortcut functions to plot R objects. Thehighcharterpackage contains two main functions for creating plots: ...
Explore and run machine learning code with Kaggle Notebooks | Using data from Enefit - Predict Energy Behavior of Prosumers
Coursesfocusing on Python and R for data visualization provide learners with essential programming skills to manipulate and visualize data effectively. Python’s versatile libraries like Matplotlib and Seaborn enable users to create various charts, plots, and graphs seamlessly. On the other hand, R’s...
easystatsis a collection of R packages, which aims to provide a unifying and consistent framework to tame, discipline, and harness the scary R statistics and their pesky models. However, there is not (yet) anunique"easystats" way of doing data analysis. Instead, start with one package and,...
rgl.spheres() draws spheres with center (x, y, z) and radius r. x, y, z : Numeric vector specifying the coordinates for the center of each sphere. The arguments y and z are optional when: x is a matrix or a data frame containing at least 3 columns which will b...
Data Visualization with ggplot2, RStudio cheat sheet Beautiful plotting in R: A ggplot2 cheatsheet Acknowledgment Thanks to Hadley Wickham for ggplot2 package:ggplot2 online documentation Thanks to RStudio forggplot2 cheatseet Infos This analysis was performed using R (ver. 3.2.4) and ggplot2 (...
An easy Visualization and Inference Toolbox for Transcriptome Analysis Access our webserver at eVITTA provides three modules for transcriptome analysis and interpretation: easyGEO - NCBI GEO data extraction and differential expression (DE) analysis ...