Lastly, to keep you balanced as you perform the barbell squat, spread your weight evenly over your foot by making sure each foot has three solid points of contact with the ground: 1) your big toe, 2) your pinky toe, and 3) your heel. You're now ready for step 2: creating whole-b...
Standing barbell curls 交替哑铃弯举:Alternate dumbbell curls 集中弯举:Concentration curls 哑铃的斜托弯举:dumbbell incline curl 杠铃腕弯举:Wrist curl with barbell 哑铃腕弯举:Wrist curl with dumbbell 背后腕弯举:Behind back wrist curl 杠铃反握弯举:Barbell reverse curl 八、肱三头肌肉训练/ Triceps 仰卧...
Barbell Curl For example, do as manybarbell curls(using strict form) as you can until exhaustion. Now, using the combined strength of your legs, back and shoulders, heave the weight up. Though the stress is now dispersed throughout your entire body, you can still work the biceps. One imp...
Many people go directly to barbell squats after this, but it is important to skip no step. Dumbbell squats is somewhat between body weight squat and barbell squats. It gives you more resistance than normal squat, while preparing your legs and back for the more difficult exercise. Strengthening ...
Commercial Fitness Strength Machine Pins Loaded Selectorized Leg Extension Seated Leg Curl Gym Equipment US$270.00-370.00 1 Piece (MOQ) Hot Sale Weight Lifting Plate Loaded Sport Gym Equipment Super Power Squat US$579.00-858.00...
rep:重复 ( repetition 的缩写 ) 二头动作 Arm Curl(单臂弯曲) One Arm Curl(单臂弯曲) ONE ARM bicep Curl(单臂二头肌弯曲) alternate dumbell curl 交替哑铃弯举 Standing Biceps Curl(站立式二头肌屈接) One Arm reverse Curl 单臂弯曲 Biceps Pullover 二头肌提拉 三头动作 barbell reverse curl 正握...
Preacher curl bench 屈臂训练凳 Lat 复合高拉机 Row复合划船机 Abdominal 腹部训练器 Cable column 复合拉伸机 Hamstring 低拉机 Utility bench 三角椅 Adjustable bench 可调式哑铃椅 Barbell 杠铃架 Double tier dumbbell 双层哑铃架 Recumbent cycle 卧式健身车 Treadmills 跑步机 Display stem:显示器支撑杆External...
3 Barbell Curl Sets: 5 Reps: 5 Rest: 90 sec. Hold a straight bar with hands shoulder width apart [1]. Keeping your elbows braced against your sides, curl the bar as high as you can [2]. Reverse the motion to return to the starting position. That's one rep. Workout III 1 Clean...
Barbell 杠铃架Bi-axial chest press 双轴上斜推胸机Bicep curl machine 二头肌训练机Bicep 二头肌训练机Cable column 复合拉伸机Cable cross 复合飞鸟机Calf 小腿训练机Caplug 盖塞Chest mid-row 滑船机Chest press machine 坐姿推胸机Chest press 胸部推举机Chest 复合胸部训练器Cord bracket 夹线板Counter-...