// 1. 存储任意数据对象到bundle中去 EasyBundle.create(bundle)// 绑定bundle容器 .put(key, value)// 指定任意数据进行存储。包括非可序列化对象 // 2. 从bundle中读取并自动转换为具体对象数据 EasyBundle.create(bundle).get<User>("user") // 3. 支持数据自动注入 class ExampleActivity:BaseActivity()...
EasyAndroid即是专门针对此种需求所设计的一款基础组件集成库宗旨1. 设计独立组件间独立存在,不相互依赖,且若只需要集成库中的部分组件。也可以很方便的只copy对应的组件文件进行使用2. 设计轻巧因为是组件集成库,所以要求每个组件的设计尽量精练、轻巧。避免因为一个小功能而引入大量无用代码. 每个组件的方法数均不...
We think Flutter will help you create beautiful, fast apps, with a productive, extensible and open development model, whether you're targeting iOS or Android, web, Windows, macOS, Linux or embedding it as the UI toolkit for a platform of your choice. ...
4. 初始化EasyAR SDK:在Android应用程序中,需要在Activity的onCreate方法中初始化EasyAR SDK。可以使用下面的代码片段完成初始化: ```java public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R...
Learn how to create a successful mobile app in 2025 with our step-by-step guide covering ideation, development, launch, and marketing strategies.
The easy.com portal is owned by easyGroup.world, the UK company owned by Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou, creator and owner of the easy family of brands.
Create an app or website for your business with ChocoGrid, the best DIY android & iOS app builder tool. SignUp for free with easy app maker and learn how to make an app.
Create Android mobile apps, using Java, for Android phones and tablets. Program a colorful, animated, multi-touch drawing app (and two other apps) on your Android phone or tablet by the end of the course! Design and code playable games and apps starting from scratch, and share them with ...
If you stick with this business, you will see a pattern emerge—Android is a little less strict. Again, there are pros and cons to both approaches, but as an app entrepreneur, you will need to learn the rules for both.You can simply add your app to the android store. It will not ...
Effortlessly clone Android phone with no data loss! Discover 6 expert methods on how to clone Android phone and create a seamless Android clone easily.