// 1. 存储任意数据对象到bundle中去 EasyBundle.create(bundle)// 绑定bundle容器 .put(key, value)// 指定任意数据进行存储。包括非可序列化对象 // 2. 从bundle中读取并自动转换为具体对象数据 EasyBundle.create(bundle).get<User>("user") // 3. 支持数据自动注入 class ExampleActivity:BaseActivity()...
Android 基础框架,用于优化开发体验,减少代码量 Usage EasyApp中common拷入到自己项目的根目录中 File --> New --> Import Module 选择自己项目的common目录 Class Usage EasyApp继承Application 初始化一些第三方库 继承ReplaceActivity 调用replaceFragment(new NewFragment) 用户使用Fragment代替Activity使用 ...
EasyAndroid 在平时的开发过程中,我们经常会需要使用到一些基础功能组件,比如Toast,比如Log等。 而这些功能组件,在开发时需要使用到的功能点其实相当有限,所以这也意味着,我们对此类组件的要求是:简单、轻量、易用!相对应的,此类组件的封装库,也应该尽量实现得轻巧精练 ...
4. 初始化EasyAR SDK:在Android应用程序中,需要在Activity的onCreate方法中初始化EasyAR SDK。可以使用下面的代码片段完成初始化: ```java public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R...
Learn how to create a successful mobile app in 2025 with our step-by-step guide covering ideation, development, launch, and marketing strategies.
Create Android mobile apps, using Java, for Android phones and tablets. Program a colorful, animated, multi-touch drawing app (and two other apps) on your Android phone or tablet by the end of the course! Design and code playable games and apps starting from scratch, and share them with ...
12 Detailed Steps to Build an App from Scratch Creating an app from scratch involves a systematic plan to ensure its success in the competitive market. This 12-step guide will help you to create a mobile app for Android, iOS, or a PWA from scratch in a very structured and intuitive way...
The easy.com portal is owned by easyGroup.world, the UK company owned by Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou, creator and owner of the easy family of brands.
Create an app or website for your business with ChocoGrid, the best DIY android & iOS app builder tool. SignUp for free with easy app maker and learn how to make an app.
This is a quick-fire guide onhow to do WhatsApp Login for your Webdevice using an Android or iPhone device. If you're a business that wants to reach a wide audience, we'll also look at how to create & log in to yourWhatsApp Business APIAccount. ...