Solved: Hi, I am trying to use the PC on TV > Easy Connection to Screen app for my Samsung TV and Windows PC. I've followed all of the - 2028491
I see how this can be frustrating with not being able to use the easy connection. I would recommend trying the information in the following link: If this does not help I would also recommend reaching out to our Sma...
Creating manifests/s/Samsung/EasyConnectionToScreen/5.4.2/Samsung.Eas… 119457d Updating manifests/s/Samsung/EasyConnectionToScreen/5.4.2/Samsung.Eas… d70fc58 Updating manifests/s/Samsung/EasyConnectionToScreen/5.4.2/Samsung.Eas… fce21c3 ...
Jedną z metod jest wykorzystanie programu "Easy connection to screen". Niestety podany w instrukcji link do pobrania nie działa. W telewizorze jest podany inny link ale też nie działa. Czy ktoś w społeczności używał ten program, ...
Beim Versuch "Easy Connection to screen" auf meinen Windows 11 Notebook zu installieren kommt folgende Fehlermeldung. Woran liegt das und
02Choose "WiFi Connection" and connect Samsung to the PC with the same Wi-Fi network. Then download the mirroring app on your Samsung device, and hit "Detect" to establish the connection. 03Samsung's screen will be mirrored to the PC. You can now start controlling your device. ...
Follow any on-screen prompts to complete the connection Troubleshooting Miracast: Ensure both devices are on the same Wi-Fi network Update your Wi-Fi drivers on your laptop Check if your laptop supports Miracast (most modern Windows laptops do) ...
Go to and log in with your Apple ID. 3. After logging in to your iCloud account, go to the "Contacts" option from the home screen. 4. This will display a list of all the synced contacts. Select the contacts you wish to move. To select all contacts, click on the ...
如何使用 Samsung Odyssey OLED G8 電競顯示器 螢幕如何透過選單查詢 SN(序號)? 關於49吋 Odyssey OLED G9 曲面電競顯示器的疑難排解 請問這篇內容是否對您有所幫助? 有 沒有 聯絡我們 24 小時線上文字客服 提供線上諮詢或由客服專員遠端檢視並操作您的智慧型電視及智慧型手機,直接為您提供協助 線...
PC on TV 功能 當需要在家工作時,Neo QLED 量子電視也能搖身一變成為遠端連線電腦的角色。只要在電視訊源選到 PC on TV,就能遠端連線到已安裝 Easy Connection to Screen 應用程式並註冊好的電腦。現在只要在家準備無線鍵盤、滑鼠就能遠端操控公司電腦,而不用另外再準備一台電腦來連線了。