"Easy choices, hard life. Hard choices, easy life." “简单选择,痛苦生活。痛苦选择,简单生活。@郝富申
easy choices,hard life.hard choices,easy life.那些最难的选择,我们最害怕去做的、问的、说的,这些有可能正是我们最需要做的。我们面对的最大挑战和困难是,永远不能通过1个轻松的谈话就能解决,不管是你的自我思考还是和别人探讨。因此我鼓励你问自己:你现在处在你人生中的哪个阶段,也许会让你看清恐惧,比看清...
作者: ”选择简单的模式,人生会越来越困难,选择困难的模式,人生会越来越简单”。 Easy choices,hard life;Hard choices,easy life. 2022-08-20 00:40 养成习惯的方法和过程并不重要,甚至做什么都不重要,重要的是每天坚持;如果愿意做出短期的牺牲,你就会得到长期的好处;选择简单的模式,人生会越来越困难,选择困难...
“easy choice, simple life”这一理念,在快节奏、高压力的现代生活中,如同一股清流,引人深思。它并非简单地倡导选择轻松、逃避挑战,而是强调在纷繁复杂的人生旅途中,通过明智而简洁的选择,达到生活的本质——简单与宁静。这句话的深层含义,借用一句英文表达“Easy choices, hard...
"Easy choices, hard life. Hard choices, easy life."[老师好] 在医院长椅上,我焦虑地等待着手术的结果。 我看着医院里,人来人往,带上耳机,尝试感受每个匆忙的身影都承载着各自的喜怒哀乐,。 你看,医生们,他们是这场戏的主角,以精湛的医术和无尽的热情,在生与死的边缘穿梭。他们的勇气,如同夜空中最耀...
英语美文:Hard choices, easy life So, this happy pic of me was taken in 1999. I was a senior in college, and it was right after a dance practice.I was really, really happy. And I remember exactly where I was about a week and a half later. I was sitting in the back of my used...
The Hard Thing About Hard Things by:summer_charlie 123 Hard Times-Strap by:嘻哈有态度 5114 Hard-Boiled Wonderland by:BaLaBoBo 143 Hard-Lil Jimmy by:嘻哈有态度 533 Hard Times-Strap by:嘻哈有态度 8111 Future Hard Bounce by:中国派对音乐网 ...
Such is life. Some have said it's "boring" or "unwatchable" and there should be more "excitement" which I don't fully understand... What do you expect from a show that focuses on relationships and the concept that "love isn't *easy*" to involve? Paternity tests? Violent murders?
. Between a rock and a hard place. . On the horns of a dilemma.45. For what purpose does the author write the passage? . To tell us how to make choices in our daily life. . To express how difficult it is to make right choices. . To talk about the differences of some useful ...
She has not had an easy life. 她一直没有过上过安逸的生活。 来自柯林斯高阶英语词典 19. That's easy for you to say... 你说起来轻松。 来自柯林斯高阶英语词典 20. It was all too easy to believe it. 这太容易令人相信了。 来自柯林斯高阶英语词典 21. The music sounds like an advert—easy...