Kormas usually have nuts, but this recipe uses coconut milk for a rich, aromatic curry sauce.It’s also an inexpensive but filling everyday meal, especially for lunch or dinner.Partner this authentic chicken korma recipe with rice or bread and satisfy a hungry stomach after a tiring day....
Curry is a complex blend of spices and herbs that are made differently in various countries.It’s generally prepared in a rich sauce that’s cooked with veggies, meats, or fish. There’s Japanese katsu curry, Chinese chicken curry, Persian massaman curry, Afghan chicken korma – and the lis...
CHICKEN AND VEGETABLE SOUP. PHOTO CREDIT: THE CLEAN EATING COUPLE. Put your chicken noodle soup plans aside and try this hearty recipe. This soup is a winner with its flavorful combination of chicken breast, green beans, carrots, potatoes, and fresh herbs. It’s a complete meal that can be...
Butter Chicken- My famous Instant Pot recipe. Chicken Korma- Just like your favorite Indian restaurant. Korean Chicken Wings- Air fryer wings packed with flavor. Caldo De Res- One of my favorite soups. Skillet Lasagna- All the flavor without the carbs. ...