Keep more cash in your wallet with these easy money saving tricks! How to Save Money Fast(20 Genius Tips to Save $2200 this Month!) Are you wondering how to Save Money Fast? It’s easy when you start slashing expenses and adding these extra sources of income to your finances! So have...
A:speculation B:attribution C:utilization D:proposition 第三十五单元 1、When travelling , you are advised to take travellers’ checks , which provide a secure ( ) to carrying your money in cash . A:substitute B:selection C:preference D:alternative 2、To impress a future employer , one ...
A:compelled B:posed C:pressed D:tempted 4 、 When travelling , you are advised to take travellers’ checks , which provide a secure ( ) to carrying your money in cash . A:substitute B:selection C:preference D:alternative 5、Help will come from the UN , but the aid will be ( ) ...