The girl whose fate was already assured had been guided to choose a particular petal and her favor doll proved to be dressed in the garb of her fiance’s profession. FORTUNE RHYMES FOR A “ONE I LOVE” SHOWER 1. If you’ll only wait a while Some one nice will make you smile. 2. ...
I am making cut out sugar cookies for a bridal shower next week that will be covered in cut-out fondant. I’m hoping to freeze these after decorating- however- after covering the cookie with fondant, I want to use a buttercream icing and pipe some decorations on each cookie. Will this...
These magical sprinkle rainbow unicorn cupcakes are so creative and perfect for unicorn theme party (birthday, baby shower, bridal shower or whatever kind of celebration you need unicorn cupcakes or cakes). You can replace the sprinkles with rainbow edible glitter too! Add some sparkle and magic ...