Multi-path Readers Atama-ii Multi-path is a series of beginner level easy-English graded readers for all ages 11 and up. The series follows an interactive gamebook format, in which the reader takes on the role of the main character and makes plot choices at set points in the story. Thes...
"The Easy Reader Series" books are unique, easy-to-follow guides based on the premise that the best way to learn a language is to start reading it immediately! Whether you're a brand-new beginner or an advanced-beginning learner, the new editions of these popular titles give you ways to...
"Easy Italian Reader" is based on the premise that the best way to learn a language is to start reading it, immediately. Suitable for the raw beginner to intermediate-level language learner, this book features engaging readings of progressive difficulty that allow you to rapidly build your compr...
Their book is really designed for the balanced literacy teacher who's trying to wrap their brain around all these "science of reading" things, who is trying to understand the research that they maybe weren't aware of before. It's really a beginner's guide, and it's a good place to ...
A1 (Beginner) A1/A2 (Elementary/Pre-intermediate) A2 (Pre-intermediate) A2/B1 (Pre-intermediate/Intermediate) B1 (Intermediate) B1/B2 (Intermediate/Upper-intermediate) B2 (Upper-intermediate) B2/C1 (Upper-intermediate/Advanced) C1 (Advanced) ...
Here at Equipping Godly Women,I have a TON of resources to help you learn how to read the Bible whether you are a beginner or advanced reader! Here are a few additional posts you may enjoy: How to Read the Bible Daily (And Make it a Habit) ...
In stock:Download INSTANTLY. Tweet "Sarah Ella Phant is the most entertaining Mnemonist the world has ever seen. This download gives you insight into how she became the leading performer in memory arts. Best of all, it's so easy, anyone can memorize pi... it's what you do with it th...
They’re great for any beginner reader who wants to challenge themselves with longer sentences and new vocabulary. The situations Guri and Gura come across aren’t too unusual, so knowing normal vocabulary likesnow, duck,eatandplaywill get you far. ...
Beginner The Non-Programmers' Tutorial For Python 3 is a tutorial designed to be an introduction to the Python programming language. This guide is for someone with no programming experience. Algorithmic Problem Solving with Python John B. Schneider... Beginner Python's syntax and idioms are much...
Over 1000 books published In Easy StepsFeatured Collections Coding Grasp the essentials in programming languages and web development – in easy steps! Whether you’re a complete beginner, need to brush up on a key programming languages, or want to add more skills to your portfolio, we’ve got...