验证Easy An..如果您在启动游戏是提示 验证 Easy Anti-Cheat 代码签名证书时出错 ,那么此错误说明您电脑的Windows证书存储区已过时,Windows无法验证EasyAntiCheat的代码签名证书
将下载的 EasyAntiCheat.exe 复制到 “C:\Program Files (x86)\”(或“C:\Program Files\EasyAntiCheat\”),替换掉之前的同名可执行文件。正常启动游戏。我的EAC文件在C:\Program Files (x86)里 就是说 先去地址下载最新的eac 然后放到老文件里覆盖 直接跳过他开游戏检测eac 更新的步骤 不保证全部人 因为...
在我下好了steam准备打两把战雷的时候,小蓝熊一直报错,首先弹出的信息上显示这样一个界面(图是网上找的 和我的问题一模一样): 接着小蓝熊崩溃了,显示“检验Easy Anti-cheat代码签名证书时出错”(30005)并带了一个退出选项: 我一共搞了3个小时,无论我修复小蓝熊或者检验游戏完整性,还是像b站评论说的调整时区,...
My game will not launch. I have an error code of 30005 and it also says CreateService failed with 1072. The reason I think it is Origin's fault is because I was able to run other games that have EasyAnticheat and they work fine. I have Windows 10 and all my NVIDIA drivers are up...
关于Easyanti..操作系统Win10非正,所以定期得激活,不熟悉激活工具使用规则,试了小马不仅没激活还导致进游戏后启动蓝熊后弹出错误框代码“30005”,记得大约好像是说createdfile failed with
Error: A redistributable package (EasyAntiCheat_Setup.exe) was not installed successfully. Setup cannot continue. You’ll see this when something has gone wrong with the Easy Anti-Cheat installation. One way to fix it is to run the Easy Anti-Cheat installer on its own. ...
Error: A redistributable package (EasyAntiCheat_Setup.exe) was not installed successfully. Setup cannot continue. You’ll see this when something has gone wrong with the Easy Anti-Cheat installation. One way to fix it is to run the Easy Anti-Cheat installer on its own. ...
Error 0 / Code 0 This is an issue related to Easy Anti-Cheat (EAC) and we are investigating the cause. In the meantime, to correct this, follow these steps: Delete the EAC folderlocated in the Roberts Space Industries\StarCitize\LIVE folder. ...
如果你在尝试游玩《Warhammer 40000: Darktide》时遇到了Easy Anti-Cheat Launch Error 30004错误,那么这篇帖子肯定会帮助到你。《Warhammer 40000: Darktide》是一款热门游戏;然而,很多用户抱怨说他们尝试启动游戏,但因错误代码而无法启动。在《战锤》游戏中,错误代码3004表示游戏无法检测到Easy AntiCheat的存在。Easy...