I'm cancelling my VRC+ subscription. I get why they're doing this, but until they actually add the things people use modded clients for, adding anti-cheat to block all mods is not the way to go. Hopefully they reverse course on this decision. EDIT: T...
So let me get this right, they have an issue with either their servers or client that permits someone with a mod to be able to seemingly steal login credentials and rather than fix the underlying problem, they decide the much more rational solution is to add an anticheat.....
This sounds like the type of thing that results from a bad client-server implementation and bad security, not something from a lack of anti-cheat. You're giving clients too much power to begin with, then try to solve that using kernel-space anti-cheat. That's not how...
"For VRChat, this means that malicious mods will still exist and be used to annoy people in publics. Closed source mods can circumvent anti-cheat without the exploit being detected, while open-source mods can't play the cat-and-mo...
In short EasyAntiCheat under Proton 8.x fails to launch games via 64-bit bootstrapper from EOS SDK v1.15.5 With Proton 8.x (build ID 11030361), bootstrapper start_protected_game.exe v1.5.0 (old) works, v1.6.0 (new) breaks Proton 7.x laun...
进不去游戏 分享8赞 jump明星大乱斗吧 半夜频梦君 说一下jump大乱斗因为EASYANTicheat问题进入不了游戏的解决办法, 第一步:首先你要打开你游戏安装的目录也就是你游戏安装的地方,打开easyanticheat文件 第二步:打开图3这个应用,点开之后会有个安装,如果能安装的话应该就能解决问题了,如果不能安装就看第三步 ...
https://download.eac-cdn.com/ https://download-alt.easyanticheat.net/ 您应该会看到这条消息:“可以:成功连接” 如果没有链接显示预期消息,请确保没有任何程序阻止 Internet 连接。如有必要,将 Easy Anti-Cheat 和游戏 222 sleepless_o吧 Sleepless_o 【Sleepless】文:Yesterday,love was such an easy ...