Are redbud trees hard to grow? Pollinators love redbuds because they're one of the first trees to bloom in early- to mid-spring. They even display bright colors come fall! Best of all, they're tough little trees that will work in any garden and look beautiful as part of your landscap...
as the fading flowers give way to heart-shaped green to bronze leaves in summer and brown pods that remain on the tree after the leaves fall. These attributes, along with the redbud’s compact size and resilient nature, have made it one of the most popular small trees for residential garde...
Thunder and Mercyby authorJennifer Robin Barrwill be released from Astra Publishing/Calkins Creek in fall 2026. In this middle grade novel of unfinished business, secret identities and found families, the protagonist is thrown into a historical mystery that uncovers the secrets of her new home, Mo...