There has been a recent Eastern Orthodox renaissance in the West regarding the curiosity of the Eastern-Christian perspective on the healing of the soul. Father Gregory Jensen (FG) is an Orthodox priest (Orthodox Church in America) and is currently serving as chaplain of the Orthodox Christian ...
美 英 un.〔宗〕东正教会 权威英汉双解 英汉 Eastern-Orthodox-Church — see also the Orthodox Church 例句 释义: 全部,〔宗〕东正教会
Eastern Orthodox Church (redirected fromEastern Orthodox Christian) Thesaurus Eastern Orthodox Church n. The body of modern churches, including among others the Greek and Russian Orthodox, that is derived from the church of the Byzantine Empire, adheres to the Byzantine rite, and acknowledges the ho...
(a symbol of Christ) and offering prayers before colorful icons including, icons including icons of Jesus and His Mother (known by the original Greek of Theotokos which means Mother of God). Usually, someone will come up to you and welcome you, perhaps asking your name so the priest can ...
Only Eastern Orthodox Christians who have been baptized and chrismated and have fasted, prayed, and confessed are permitted to partake in communion. After baptism, tiny babies and children are taken to the chalice to receive holy communion. The priest gives the gifts using a spoon called a “...
The Way of Life of the ancient Eastern Orthodox Church Welcome TheTao of Holy Orthodoxyrefers to the first, authentic Christian Path. Sometimes calledEastern Orthodoxy, it is the Tao (that is, the Way) that has been passed down continuously for 2,000 years, generation to generation, within ...
Early on November 13, we received a phone call informing us that my husband would be ordained an Orthodox deacon on November 20 and an Orthodox priest on Thanksgiving! So these last two weeks have flown in a blur, with more inner preparation and lots of things to set up, announcements to...
There are two requirements for membership in the Orthodox Church: ■ Baptism. Normally administered by an Orthodox priest. Non-Orthodox baptisms may be accepted at the discretion of the local priest. However, such baptisms must have been performed with water and in “the name of the Father, ...
The Orthodox Church of America says the following in an online article on faithfulness: Buy Ambien Online Prescription Faithfulness is characterized by stability of body and soul; the utter refusal to move or be moved for any unworthy reason; the complete dedication to what God gives one to do...
Again, I ask myself if my own Orthodox faith is transitory, provoked by reflecting on this priest’s departure from the Church. While I feel the tendency within myself to get the “Ho Hums” about some of the repetitive aspects of Orthodox liturgical rubrics, tones, hymns, etc. And ...