eastern orthodox church 读音:美英 eastern orthodox church基本解释 东正教;东正教会 分词解释 eastern东方的,东部(地方)的 orthodox规范的 church[宗]教堂 eastern orthodox church是什么意思 eastern orthodox church怎么读 eastern orthodox church在线翻译 eastern orthodox church中文意思 eastern orthodox church的解释 ...
Orthodox Eastern Church) 近义、反义、联想词 义词 n. Catholic Church 英语例句库 The Bema became a standard fixture inEastern Orthodox churches, functioning as a stage for the altar and clergy. 在东正教的教堂里,讲坛成为标准的设置,作为
美 英 un.〔宗〕东正教会 权威英汉双解 英汉 Eastern-Orthodox-Church — see also the Orthodox Church 例句 释义: 全部,〔宗〕东正教会
Eastern Orthodox Church英英释义 noun the modern group of Christian churches, such as the Russian and Greek Orthodox, that originated in the Eastern Roman Empire. Eastern Orthodox Church 例句 1.The beliefs and practices of the Eastern Orthodox Church. ...
Orthodox Eastern Church 东正教 Eastern Orthodox Church 东正教:又称正教、希腊正教、东方正教,是基督教中的一个派别,主要是指依循由东罗马帝国(又称“拜占庭帝国”)所流传下来的基督教传统的教会,它是与天主教、基督新教并立的基督教三大派别之一 eastern orthodox phr. 东正教 Orthodox Church n. 东正教, ...
Word History First Known Use 1701, in the meaning defined above Time Traveler The first known use of Eastern Orthodox was in 1701 See more words from the same year Dictionary Entries Near Eastern Orthodox easternmost Eastern Orthodox eastern oyster See More Nearby Entries Cite this Entry...
eastern orthodox churchchurches in communion, with ancient patriarchatesolder expressions, for orthodox churchEastern, Greek orthodox, byzantine churchesancient usages of “orthodox church”orthodox communionthe great schismtheotokos, for the Virgin Mary...
The Eastern Orthodox Church, founded by Jesus Christ, is the Church recorded in the New Testament of the Bible. She is the oldest Christian Church in the world. In two thousand years of uninterrupted succession, it has faithfully preserved the Christian faith taught by Jesus Christ to the apos...
church名— 基督名 ▾ 外部资源(未审查的) Religious activity grew not only among the five main religions, but also amongtheEastern Orthodox Churchandfolk religions. eng.embassyusa.cn eng.embassyusa.cn 不仅五大宗教的活动有所增加,而且东正教和民间宗教也有所增加。
A-diocese-of-an-Eastern-Orthodox-Church网页 图片 视频 学术 词典 航班 A-diocese-of-an-Eastern-Orthodox-Church网络东正教主管教区 网络释义 1. 东正教主管教区 www.haodic.com|基于1 个网页 隐私声明 法律声明 广告 反馈 © 2025 Microsoft