A review of literature and surveys of local reference tidal marshes indicatednative plants in these areas were distributed at distinct elevation ranges, but little information was available on the success of these species when planted at these elevations during marsh creation or restoration. Some ...
Numbers noted as (PNE:xxx) refer to pages with illustrations in the "Peterson Field Guide to Moths of Northeastern North America", by David Beadle & Seabrook Leckie, 2012. Numbers noted as (PNP:xxx) refer to pages with photographs in the book "Pollinators of Native Plants" by Heather Ho...
Non-native plants are a persistent threat to the forests of the United States (Iannone et al.2015,2016a), particularly in the eastern part of the country where approximately half of all forest plots contain at least one non-native plant (Oswalt et al.2015) and where the spread of such ...
Many Native American tribes throughout North America planted corn, beans and squash together because it helped each plant thrive. In Iroquois legend, these plants were considered a gift from the gods and were to be not only grown together but also eaten and celebrated together. They provide a ...
The topic is a favorite of mine, “Embracing Diversity with Native and Non Native Plants.” I will have books to sell and am happy to sign them. The talk is open to the public and is sponsored by the Dorchester County Garden Club and the Oxford Garden Club. Hope to see you there!
I am most familiar with the seafood packing plants we used to have in eastern North Carolina, now mostly gone. Several decades ago they paid on a piece work rates, and those who got good at the repetitive process could make good money. In those days, most of the employees were black ...
By Patrick Lynch, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center A Texas region containing four of the world's largest wind farms showed an increase in land surface temperature over nine years that researchers have connected to local meteorological effects of the turbines. ...
Loggerhead Sponge ___ FL NC (ASC:17) North Carolina to Florida and Mexico, also West Indies Spheciospongia vesparia Spheciospongia vesparia is the largest sponge known, up to 36 inches wide and 24 inches high. As many as 16,000 animals, most of them snapping shrimp, have been recorded...
North Carolina's Rate Bureau has requested for 2024 an annual increase of 42.2%, whereby North Carolina's Insurance Commissioner Mike Causey has exhibited a great willingness to take a firm stand against such an exorbitant increase. Published: Sunday, March 3rd, 2024 @ 3:06 pm By: Stan Death...
the company said it believes the plan is a "constructive outcome" that advances its clean energy transition and supports a diverse range of energy sources. The company pointed out that it has already retired two-thirds of its aging coal plants in North Carolina and South Carolina ...