The Metropark Hotel also offers apartment services allowing you to personally experience a home away from home. Whether it is a long-term stay or a short-term vacation, guests will find this hotel cozy and comfortable. Last booked 12 hours ago ...
In this study, we analyzed short-term instrumental seismic (focal mechanism) and long-term paleoseismic (Quaternary fault outcrop) data to decipher the neotectonic crustal deformation pattern in the southeastern Korean Peninsula. Available (paleo-)seismic data acquired from an NNE-SSW trending ...
Known for beautiful beaches and rich vegetation they can be reached by ferry or highspeed from Agios Constantinos a couple hours north of Athens or from Volos, except for Skyros which must be reached by Kimi in Evia. In the summer there are connections to Thessaloniki and the Cyclades but ...
Much of it probably dates from the century's middle decades. Some of the newly emerged land remained above high tides into the middle of the eighteenth century or later. The emergence in the last half of the seventeenth century probably exceeded 0.5 m (inferred from stratigraphy and diatom ...
we push back the earliest dates for the spread of wheat and barley into northern regions of Asia as well as providing earlier cultural links between East and West Asia. The archaeobotanical, palynological and anthracological data we present come from the Tongtian Cave site in the Altai Mountai...
Regarding the timeframe of the spread of the MME along the Apulian coast, the first report of the infection dates back to 201818, in the Mar Piccolo di Taranto. Compared to the first MME event observed in the Spanish coast in 20165,7, the disease has spread from the western to the ea...
North of the Asi River, the regional uplift rate ranges from ~0.43±0.11mm/yr at Samanda to as high as 2.08±0.70mm/yr at Maarack Dump. South of the Asi River, uplift rates range from 0.81±0.14mm/yr at the Cliffside terrace to 2.33±0.60mm/yr at Meydan Dump I. Rather than ...
The chronology is determined from AMS 14C dates on saltmarsh plant fragments embedded in the peat. The combination of the two different approaches produces a high-resolution, replicable sea-level record, which takes into account the autocompaction of the peat sequence. Long-term mean rates of ...
both in frequency and in magnitude of climate swings. This pronounced variability is superimposed on an aridification trend from ~210 kyr that accelerates after ~120 kyr. The onset of this period of high variability coincides with dates for the earliest Middle Stone Age (MSA) occurrence in ...
The circle shows the observations; the change in geopotential height was calculated from ERA-Interim, and the change in cessation from the cessation dates computed using CHIRPS data Full size image The AMIP multi-model mean captures the drying across Eastern Africa in March and May and the ...