It is surprisingly easy to identify a tree frog because of their large toe pads. These sticky toe pads and their flexible toe tips allow them to grasp and climb, even on smooth surfaces. Tree frogs have very rough skin and warts like a toad, although not
The 1- to 2-inch gray tree frog is nocturnal and will hunt for insects when it’s dark and stay hidden in the bark of trees when they aren’t active during the day. At the end of April, male tree frogs will begin gathering in wetlands and ephemeral ponds to aggressively defend their...
Wow. That passage never gets old (even though I am…ah the gray hairs arriving daily!). Every time I read it again I seem to be drawn to different words depending on my current season in life, and obstacles I may be enduring. What season are you in? Are you struggling to balance b...
The Eastern American toad (Bufo americanus americanus…bufois Latin for toad) is usually some shade of brown, but colors can vary from olive to tan to gray to red and can change depending on the toad’s surroundings and age. Eastern American toads are short and broad, from two to around ...