From Bach’s Passion music to Handel’s Messiah, here are our top pieces of music that depict the final days of Jesus and his resurrection.
Awe-inspiring choirs, uplifting organ music, and the sweet fragrance of Easter lilies filling the church, Easter Sunday Mass is a lovely experience as all our places of worship and the communities go out of their way to welcome and share in the spirit and purpose of the Easter celebration. ...
This year’s Easter Service will be held at Washington Mystic Stadium which will hold 3,600 in order to reach as many members as possible. Joyce Garrett, Director of Music, says this is a major, major MAJOR undertaking. “All of the different stakeholders in the church including music, wor...
School choirs make several appearances, with the children dressed in traditional costumes travelling from all over the country to perform. Music from the stage is relayed via speakers throughout the square, to enhance the festive feel for everyone.There...
to see theEaster Passion Playin which over five hundred locals come together to re-enact thePassion of Christ. The procession passes through the city's center while close by the scenes of Christ are re-enacted with narration and music. You can follow the procession and then arrive for the ...
participate in the huge religious processions, candlelit masses and ceremonial celebrations that take place throughout the most important week of the Catholic calendar – all accompanied by choirs and orchestras invited from several countries to perform at the highly acclaimed Festival of Sacred Music...