Cool Star Wars Easter egg? 8 The Indiana Jones Plane Shout Out Photo: Raiders of the Lost Ark Paramount Pictures Next time you're watching Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark, check out the name of the pilot's plane. As you can see in this handy screenshot, it's name...
Cool Star Wars Easter egg? 4 R2-D2's 'Star Trek' Cameo Photo: Paramount Pictures If you look closely in J.J. Abrams's recent revamp of Star Trek, you can see R2-D2 float past the window of the USS Enterprise. 955 votes Cool Star Wars Easter egg? 5 R2-D2's 'Close Enco...
Star Wars Battlefront's most authentic Easter Egg. Clonk!EA DICE’s competitive multiplayer shooter Star Wars Battlefront is exceedingly faithful to its source material, and a recently uncovered Easter Egg shows that its developers even went as far as to pay tribute to a classic blooper from A ...
Special Requirements:Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - Demo Pleasecorrect this Eggif you see errors. Pictures and Videos Not the best picture quality, but the helmet is to his left, in front of him.Again, not the best picture quality, to the left, in front again, from a slightly differne...
There is a Gig calledThe Heisenberg Principlein Cyberpunk 2077 is an obvious Easter egg from Breaking Bad as Heisenberg was the alias used by the main character Walter White. During the mission, you will be taking down a drug lab with a substance called “glitter” which follows a similar ...
Another easter egg! Wonder how it tastes!Luke Mason 17/12/2016 02:15Check this out: http://www.theve
So, here’s some of the best Starfield Star Wars easter eggs you may have missed. The community is only really scratching the surface, too, so expect even more than these to be hidden among the stars. One Star Wars easter egg Starfield players have spotted in-game is a little obscure...
Details the process of using the digital video disc version of the film 'Star Wars--Episode II: Attack of the Clones.'McCarthyShannonEBSCO_AspSound & Vision
Easter egg:When you insert any of the 6 movie DVDs in theStar Warssaga, once the FBI screen pops up (red in Episodes I, II, IV, V, VI; and blue in Episode III), enter a number between 1 and 3 (and press Enter if needed). Once the Star Wars logo and the Episode number disapp...
How to find the "Star Wars" Easter Egg in Spaceballs. near the end of the movie when Barf and Lone Star are at the diner, as the camera zooms up to the space dock the millenium falcon is parked beside the diner.