Baten Kaitos Origins (1) Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean (2) Batman Arkham City (8) Batman: Arkham Asylum (3) Battle Tanx: Global Assault (1) Battle Zone (1) Battlefield 1942 (1) Battlefield 1942 Secret Weapons of WW2 (1) Battlefield 1942: The Road to ...
98. The DeLorean's Time Circuit Easter Egg You couldn't call Parzival's decision to drive a 1982 DeLorean DMC-12 an "Easter Egg" per se, since his affection for theBack to the Futureand its iconic time machine is never really intended to be missed (such is the success of that origi...
Well, unless you count this Easter egg from The Wall: 29 Fight Club: A Brief Close-Up on a Telephone Gives Away the Ending 20th Century Fox Fight Club is, of course, full of hints about the big twist (that Edward Norton and Brad Pitt were the split personalities of one guy who ...