Crack open each egg individually to unveil different activities in each kit. 2 experiments are included in every egg but some even have a bonus activity! Hear the ooohs and aahs as kids discover how fun and entertaining science can be. They'll learn about polymers and different areas of ...
but it looks like De-Tox was the player in the Technical Alpha to drink the most grog. We’re guessing they were miles ahead of the competition.
Reader reviews:“You are amazing!! .. I just made these using the yeast substitute with baking powder & extra egg!! Worked perfectly. They are yum. They are perfect!!” and “I made your grain free ones last weekend and used prunes instead of currants since I didn’t have any. They ...
Easter fun The children finished off their week with Easter celebrations. Their church service was the week before, but the final week of term is always the egg roll competition. Hard boiled decorated eggs, and a by class egg roll competition down the playground. N was scornful of some child...