A great activity both for younger and older kids, this one unifies everyone because of its sheer silliness. An adult holds a stack of activity cards and asks kids to yodel, spin around on one leg, moo like a cow, quack like a duck, hop backwards, you get the drift. Not only is th...
This option is great for kids who are a little older and who finish the Easter egg hunt faster than they used to. The ideas inside can be silly, like the one pictured here, or you can make them a bit more difficult to get your kids to think. Get the tutorial at Play Party Plan...
65 Easter Egg Decorating Ideas 45 DIY Easter Basket Ideas for the Whole Family 50 Best Easter Egg Hunt Ideas for Kids and Adults 110 Best Easter Puns for Every Bunny 42 Creative Things to Give up for Lent 2025 The History of the Easter Bunny Explained 106 Best Easter Messages and Wishes...
If you want to get the kids an Easter treat, but don’t want to add to the ten tonnes of chocolate that will inevitably come your way, then these cute little eggs from Playmobil are a great alternative. Containing mini figures and playsets, from farmers to fairies, there is a Playmobil...
Here are the Best Easter Gifts for Kids, from Babies to Teens! Let us know your favorite Easter gift in the comment section below!1. Creative Easter Fun: The Eggmazing Easter Egg Decorator SetAdd an artistic flare this Easter with The Eggmazing Easter Egg Decorator set, an Eggs Bunny-...
It can be a challenge to find the Best Easter Basket Ideas for Tween Boys. We found lots of cool little things to fill their baskets this year.
This is a fun way to get kids excited about spelling- an Easter egg word scramble! With simple supplies you'll get the kids spelling in no time.
So my kids’ school has an annualSchool Egg Decorating Competition.. and my kids like to plan their entries for weeks in advance. We have made all sorts over the years, from Cress Heads that need a hair cut, toEgg Solar Systems. Lots of fun and lots of ideas…. you can find ourwin...
26 Best Carrot Recipes for Dinner and Dessert How Harry & Meghan Celebrate Easter in California Is Dutch Bros. Open on Easter Sunday 2024? Easter Movies to Watch with the Whole Family Get Egg-cited About These DIY Easter Basket Ideas
Where to go for a May-day outing Where to go on vacation in May? Where to go on vacation in May? Where to go on holiday in April - 5 cities perfect for a spring getaway Where to go on holiday in April - 5 cities perfect for a spring getaway ...