4. Star Wars CMD Movie It’s no secret that a lot of software developers are also geeks at heart with an appreciation for sci-fi and fantasy and all things nerdy. Do a bit of digging in Windows 10, and you can stumble upon this quite charming Telnet rendition of Star Wars hidden in ...
The Star Wars CMD code is one of the coolest command prompt Easter Eggs. And it works on all operating systems that support Telnet and has a terminal or command line, including Windows 10. Before you can use the command, however, you have to enable Telnet. In Windows 10, pressWin + Q...
In an interview with Gert Drapers, SQLCMD was mentioned as SQL Server 2005's Easter Egg (Gert: "one of the biggest productivity gains for DBA’s in terms of automation"). I hope that I can pull this feature somewhat out of obscurity :-) Watch the SQL Server 2005 Scripting Webcast whic...
The attachment 이미지 링크정리_180329.egg includes a unique file extension not commonly seen in other parts of the world. The .egg extension is primarily used in South Korea (with a user base in other parts of Asia as well.) It is a compression format similar to .zip, and...