Charles Wren, who died Sept. 4, 2012, at age 87, was one of the first generation of African-American officers promoted to high rank in the St. Louis Police Department.Sorkin, Michael D
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(nowUniversity of Mumbai) in 1862. Ranade found employment in the educational department in Bombay, taught at Elphinstone College, edited theIndu Prakash, helped start the Hindu reformistPrarthana Samaj(Prayer Society) in Bombay, wrote historical and other essays, and became a barrister, eventually...
Ranade found employment in the educational department in Bombay, taught at Elphinstone College, edited the Indu Prakash, helped start the Hindu reformist Prarthana Samaj (Prayer Society) in Bombay, wrote historical and other essays, and became a barrister, eventually being appointed to the bench of...