He has to, for now is his hour and the power of darkness. “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and ...
In the years since the trial, the three primary signs used to diagnose the syndrome have gone from “medical gospel” to questionable by the broader medical community, according to the filing by Roberson’s attorneys. Questions about the diagnoseshave convinced Brian Wharton, a...
By contrast these Jews and Christians only occasion-ally recognized one another, even at sites that were venerated by members of all three religions such as the graves of the patriarchs at Hebron.10 Aryeh Graboïs hypothesizes that Christian pilgrims did not describe Jews in Palestine and Egypt...
According to court documents, Roberson said Nikki accidentally fell from a bed, but medical staff at a Palestine hospital called police because they considered the injuries — including bruises to her chin, cheek and jaw and bleeding outside her brain — suspicious an...
manages to make it after all, perhaps walking across from Mexico or Canada. He will not be allowed into some churches because his attire (robe & sandals) is deemed un-Christian. The first Mega-Buck Church would throw him out because he does notfit in, does not have the image of a ...
Memories of arrivals past flooded over me. The first time I visited Cairo was as a 23-year-old. I was with my boyfriend, the man who would become my husband just 7 months later. All our luggage was lost enroute so there I was in a strange city with a man who had suddenly become...
Palestine. This is bound to be a problem so intractable it may not be solvable. Israeli settlements have complicated the matter by increasing their size and presence in what is now Palestinian territory. Many settlements would have to be dissolved and removed. Violence and tension seems easy to...
It is facing financial troubles.Mismanagement of the country’s income; widespread embezzlements; an 80 percent loss of its money value; and an overcommitment to helping Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq, and Yemen has drained the government’s cash. It is struggling to meet its monthly payroll....
One thing is clear to me: The “Russian” (in reality “Khazarian”) invasion of Palestine isn’t about to happen; it’s about to come to an end. And we Christians know what that means. Jim Lisenby August 25, 2008 @ 9:29 am Brother Nathanael, I have left comments on this two ...
Called for by Portugal and organized by Otto von Bismarck, first Chancellor of Germany, its outcome, the General Act of the Berlin Conference, can be seen as the formalization of the Scramble for Africa. The conference ushered in a period of heightened colonial activity by European powers, ...