"As in all of Professor Channing's earlier volumes the material is sanely and seriously handled and his footnotes bring one in touch with practically all the worthwhile material in the field."doi:10.1016/0191-2607(86)90055-5Samuel B. HandELSEVIERTransportation Research Part A General...
made the region one of the most agriculturally productive in England and attracted a larger farming population. The industrialization of Yorkshire and the East Midlands during the 19th century promoted the growth of Hull as the region’s major seaport. Today it is the largest city in the region...
But as we struggle to navigate a byzantine booking system and make it onto a train that isn’t delayed or canceled only to find that the prohibitive price we’ve paid for our tickets entitles us to standing room only, I suspect that more than a few of us look back fondly to the jobs...