East India Company 中文 东印度公司 解释 〈英〉 1600年12月由皇家特许成立,目的在于垄断英国对远东和印度的贸易。后来公司在印度设立了若干代理处,逐渐控制了印度的广大地区,参与政治,成为18世纪初至19世纪中叶英国政府在印度的代理机构。1858年公司统治地区的政治权力移交给了英国国王。1873年公司的特许状期满,公司...
英国东印度公司创立于1600年,最初的正式全名是"伦敦商人在东印度贸易的公司"(The Company of Merchants of London Trading into the East Indies)。 它是由一群有创业心和有影响力的商人所组成。这些商人在1600年12月31日获得了英国皇家给予他们的对东印度的15 1600年至1707年的公司旗帜年的贸易专利特许。公司共...
Landow, George P. "The British East India Company - the Company that Owned a Nation (or Two)." The Victorian Web. 5 November 2009. Landow, George P. 2013. The Victorian Web: The British East India Company -- the Company that Owned a Nation (or Two). September 20....
East India Company n 1.(Historical Terms) the company chartered in 1600 by the British government to trade in the East Indies: after being driven out by the Dutch, it developed trade with India until the Indian Mutiny (1857), when the Crown took over the administration: the company was di...
#TheEastIndiaCompany#1600年,东印度茶公司被伊丽莎白一世授予皇家特许,至今,品牌出产着世界顶级的茶叶、巧克力和饼干。为庆祝英国女王今年90岁生日,东印度茶公司邀您点击链接参与抽奖:O网页链接 您将有机会赢取500镑礼券!活动6月7日截止,6月10日开奖。所有参与者都将获得20%优惠. ...
a trading company established in England in 1600 to trade with the East Indies, and later with India, which it effectively governed for many years. 例句 释义: 全部,东印度公司 更多例句筛选 1. The East India Company served as the business arm of British foreign policy. 东印度公司(EastIndiaCo...
The establishment of the British East India Company in 1600 was a case of economic penetration.───1600年英国东印度公司的建立是经济渗透的实例。 several dozen Boston residents dressed as Indians boarded the ships of the British East India Company and threw the tea into the harbor.───年,几...
ˌEastˈIndiaˌCompany one of several European companies that developed trade with India and east Asia in the 17th and 18th centuries. The British East India Company(1600–1858)was the most important of these, and was responsible for bringing India into the British Empire. ...
The East India Company received its charter from parliament in 1600 for the monopoly of trade in the eastern hemisphere. Unable to compete with the Dutch in the East Indies themselves, the Company soon came to concentrate its energies on trade with India. Its growing regional influence - ...
英英释义 an English company formed in 1600 to develop trade with the new British colonies in India and southeastern Asia; in the 18th century it assumed administrative control of Bengal and held it until the British army took over in 1858 after the Indian Mutiny...